Derived equivalences of triangular matrix rings arising from extensions of tilting modules

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A triangular matrix ring Λ is defined by a triplet (R,S,M) where R and S are rings and R M S is an S-R-bimodule. In the main theorem of this paper we show that if T S is a tilting S-module, then under certain homological conditions on the S-module M S, one can extend T S to a tilting complex over Λ inducing a derived equivalence between Λ and another triangular matrix ring specified by (S′, R, M′), where the ring S′ and the R-S′-bimodule M′ depend only on M and T S, and S′ is derived equivalent to S. Note that no conditions on the ring R are needed. These conditions are satisfied when S is an Artin algebra of finite global dimension and M S is finitely generated. In this case, (S′,R,M′)=(S, R, DM) where D is the duality on the category of finitely generated S-modules. They are also satisfied when S is arbitrary, M S has a finite projective resolution and Ext S n (M S, S)=0 for all n>0. In this case, (S′,R,M′)=(S, R, Hom S (M, S)).

Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)57-74
Number of pages18
JournalAlgebras and Representation Theory
Issue number1
StatePublished - Feb 2011
Externally publishedYes


  • Derived equivalence
  • Tilting complex
  • Triangular matrix ring

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Mathematics


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