Covid-19 איכות חיים מקצועית בקרב אחיות בתקופת מגפת

Translated title of the contribution: Professional Quality of Life among nurses during the Covid-19 epidemicֿ

Aliza Filhaber, Mira Zini, Inesa Mekler, Ilana Livshiz-Riven

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Background: Covid-19 virus was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization in March 2020. Front-line nurses caring for Covid-19 patients are exposed to mental and physical strains that manifest as impairment in professional quality of life (ProQoL). ProQoL is measured by compassion satisfaction, burnout, and compassion fatigue. Aim of study: To examine the differences in the ProQoL of hospital nurses in Israel before and during the Covid-19 period.
Methods: A multicenter quantitative study, using a survey of nurses that have one or more years of full-time work experience, and worked between December 2020 and February 2021.
Research tools: ProQoL questionnaire, sociodemographic questionnaire, Covid-19 variables, and Global Rating (GR) question on the definition of ProQoL. Participants were asked to rate their quality of life during and before the epidemic.
Results: The study included 207 nurses, age 42.3 years (SD = 10.28), years of experience: 16.92 years (SD = 11.78), Education 27% Master׳s degree.
Examining the differences in the ProQoL of hospital nurses in Israel before and during the epidemic, a significant decrease was found with a strong effect on the definition of ProQoL as measured in a single question (GR). There was no difference in the ProQOL among nurses in the inpatient setting in Israel who treated / did not treat Covid-19 patients, except for significant increase in compassion satisfaction among nurses who treated Covid-19 patients. Nurses׳ education did not affect their ProQoL. General professional life during the Covid-19 period was found to be significant, age, years of experience, education and good general ProQoL in the past together accounted for the 49.8% difference in ProQoL during the epidemic.
Conclusions: The results of the present study indicate the benefits of the ProQoL questionnaire in multidimensional resolution and diagnosis of the dimensions of professional quality of life. In addition, GR has advantages and a high correlation to ProQoL. Regarding additional outbreaks of the epidemic, it is advisable for health organizations to prepare psychological assistance resources to strengthen the ProQoL of nurses who treat Covid-19 patients, to reduce burnout and secondary traumatization, and increase compassion satisfaction.
Translated title of the contributionProfessional Quality of Life among nurses during the Covid-19 epidemicֿ
Original languageHebrew
Pages (from-to)8-21
Number of pages14
Journalגוף ידע
StatePublished - Jan 2022


  • Covid-19
  • Professional quality of life - ProQQoL
  • burnout
  • compassion satisfaction
  • nurses
  • secondary traumatization

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Health Professions

IHP publications

  • ihp


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