Controlling Neural Level Sets

Matan Atzmon, Niv Haim, Lior Yariv, Ofer Israelov, Haggai Maron, Yaron Lipman

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


The level sets of neural networks represent fundamental properties such as decision boundaries of classifiers and are used to model non-linear manifold data such as curves and surfaces. Thus, methods for controlling the neural level sets could find many applications in machine learning.

In this paper we present a simple and scalable approach to directly control level sets of a deep neural network. Our method consists of two parts: (i) sampling of the neural level sets, and (ii) relating the samples' positions to the network parameters. The latter is achieved by a sample network that is constructed by adding a single fixed linear layer to the original network. In turn, the sample network can be used to incorporate the level set samples into a loss function of interest.

We have tested our method on three different learning tasks: improving generalization to unseen data, training networks robust to adversarial attacks, and curve and surface reconstruction from point clouds. For surface reconstruction, we produce high fidelity surfaces directly from raw 3D point clouds. When training small to medium networks to be robust to adversarial attacks we obtain robust accuracy comparable to state-of-the-art methods.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAdvances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32 (NIPS 2019)
EditorsH Wallach, H Larochelle, A Beygelzimer, F d'Alche-Buc, E Fox, R Garnett
Number of pages10
StatePublished - 2019
Event33rd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems - Vancouver, Canada
Duration: 8 Dec 201914 Dec 2019
Conference number: 33rd

Publication series

NameAdvances in Neural Information Processing Systems
ISSN (Print)1049-5258


Conference33rd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems
Abbreviated titleNeurIPS 2019


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