Complex cellular structures

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We introduce the notion of a complex cell, a complexification of the cells/cylinders used in real tame geometry. For delta is an element of (0, 1) and a complex cell C, we define its holomorphic extension C subset of C-delta, which is again a complex cell. The hyperbolic geometry of C within C-delta provides the class of complex cells with a rich geometric function theory absent in the real case. We use this to prove a complex analog of the cellular decomposition theorem of real tame geometry. In the algebraic case we show that the complexity of such decompositions depends polynomially on the degrees of the equations involved.</p><p>Using this theory, we refine the Yomdin-Gromov algebraic lemma on C-r-smooth parametrizations of semialgebraic sets: we show that the number of C-r charts can be taken to be polynomial in the smoothness order r and in the complexity of the set. The algebraic lemma was initially invented in the work of Yomdin and Gromov to produce estimates for the topological entropy of C-infinity maps. For analytic maps our refined version, combined with work of Burguet, Liao and Yang, establishes an optimal refinement of these estimates in the form of tight bounds on the tail entropy and volume growth. This settles a conjecture of Yomdin who proved the same result in dimension two in 1991. A self-contained proof of these estimates using the refined algebraic lemma is given in an appendix by Yomdin.</p><p>The algebraic lemma has more recently been used in the study of rational points on algebraic and transcendental varieties. We use the theory of complex cells in these two directions. In the algebraic context we refine a result of Heath-Brown on interpolating rational points in algebraic varieties. In the transcendental context we prove an interpolation result for (unrestricted) logarithmic images of subanalytic sets.<br />
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)145-248
Number of pages104
JournalAnnals of Mathematics
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jul 2019


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