Completeness and ambiguity of schema cover

Avigdor Gal, Michael Katz, Tomer Sagi, Matthias Weidlich, Karl Aberer, Hung Quoc Viet Nguyen, Zoltán Miklós, Eliezer Levy, Victor Shafran

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


Given a schema and a set of concepts, representative of entities in the domain of discourse, schema cover defines correspondences between concepts and parts of the schema. Schema cover aims at interpreting the schema in terms of concepts and thus, vastly simplifying the task of schema integration. In this work we investigate two properties of schema cover, namely completeness and ambiguity. The former measures the part of a schema that can be covered by a set of concepts and the latter examines the amount of overlap between concepts in a cover. To study the tradeoffs between completeness and ambiguity we define a cover model to which previous frameworks are special cases. We analyze the theoretical complexity of variations of the cover problem, some aim at maximizing completeness while others aim at minimizing ambiguity. We show that variants of the schema cover problem are hard problems in general and formulate an exhaustive search solution using integer linear programming. We then provide a thorough empirical analysis, using both real-world and simulated data sets, showing empirically that the integer linear programming solution scales well for large schemata. We also show that some instantiations of the general schema cover problem are more effective than others.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationOn the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems
Subtitle of host publicationOTM 2013 Conferences - Confederated International Conferences: CoopIS 2013, DOA-Trusted Cloud 2013, and ODBASE 2013, Proceedings
Number of pages18
StatePublished - 2013
EventConfederated International Conferences on On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems, OTM 2013: CoopIS 2013, DOA-Trusted Cloud 2013, and ODBASE 2013 - Graz, Austria
Duration: 9 Sep 201313 Sep 2013

Publication series

NameLecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Volume8185 LNCS


ConferenceConfederated International Conferences on On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems, OTM 2013: CoopIS 2013, DOA-Trusted Cloud 2013, and ODBASE 2013

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Theoretical Computer Science
  • General Computer Science


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