Competing for Phosphors under Changing Redox Conditions: Biological versus Geochemical Sinks

Avner Gross, Jennifer Pett-Ridge, Whendee L Silver

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


The cycling of phosphorous (P) in highly weathered, humid tropical forest soils is tightly regulated by P sorption dynamics to the surfaces of Fe(III) (hydr)oxides and root and microbial demands for P. Periods of anoxic soil conditions, which are common in humid environments, induce the reduction of Fe (III) to Fe (II) and may release sorbed P into the soil solution. The microbial demand for P is influenced by the C and nutrient composition of their available substrates. Therefore, we hypothesize that soil redox conditions and substrate quality and availability will control the partitioning of P between microbial biomass and the soil mineral phase. The aim of this study was to examine how fluctuations in soil redox conditions and changes in microbial P demand affect the fate of new P that enters the soil solution. To achieve this aim we conducted a series of soil incubation experiments using a wet tropical soil from Puerto Rico (where redox conditions and P availability naturally oscillate) with a single pulse of phosphate (PO4), altering both the microbial activity and redox conditions. To follow the fate the added P, the added phosphate was labeled with 18O. As the exchange of oxygen between phosphate and water only occurs during biological processes, P-18O labeling can be used as an indicator of microbial use. To quantify sizes of the microbial and mineral P pools we used traditional chemical extractions in the bulk scale. We used NanoSIMS isotopic imaging to map the distribution of P-16O and P-18O and co-localization with Fe minerals at the nano scale. Our results show that the amount of the added P fixed by the mineral phase was inversely correlated to the amount of P assimilated by the microbial biomass. In addition, we discovered the iron redox state did not affect the microbial or mineral P pool sizes. Overall, our results indicate the partition of the added P between the biological and mineral pools is regulated by the microbial biomass demands for P.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts
StatePublished - 16 Dec 2016
Externally publishedYes


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