Comments to publication of D. Closson and N. Abu Karaki “Sinkhole hazards prediction at Ghor Al Haditha, Dead Sea, Jordan: ‘‘Salt Edge’’ and ‘‘Tectonic’’ models contribution”—a rebuttal to ‘‘Geophysical prediction and following development sinkholes in two Dead Sea areas, Israel and Jordan, by: Ezersky, M.G., Eppelbaum, L.V., Al-Zoubi, A., Keydar S., Abueladas, A-R., Akkawi E., and Medvedev, B.’’

M. G. Ezersky, L. V. Eppelbaum, A. Al-Zoubi, S. Keydar, A.-R. Abueladas, E. Akkawi, B. Medvedev

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


In our article (Ezersky et al. 2013a), in accordance with the request of Editor and Reviewer we expressed our opinion with respect to the structural model of the Dead Sea sinkholes presented in papers of Closson and Abu Karaki (2009a, 2009b). Our comment was a scientific discussion deprived any personal claims on our opponents. We sent our paper to Closson with the aim to receive his response. We were not informed on rebuttal published online in the Environmental Earth Sciences on April 2013. It explains some delay with our comments.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1989-1993
Number of pages5
JournalEnvironmental Earth Sciences
Issue number4
StatePublished - 2014


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