Clinical significance of FLC tests in patients without other evidence of hematologic disorder

Dor Shpitzer, Yael C. Cohen, Chava Perry, Guy Melamed, Hillel Alapi, Anat Reiner-Benaim, Irit Avivi

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The clinical significance of an abnormal free light chain (FLC) test, performed due to unspecific complains in the absence of a known plasma cell dyscrasia (PCD) or lymphoproliferative disease (LPD), is not fully elucidated. We investigated the importance of an abnormal FLC ratio (FLC-R) in this setting. Patients registered in the Maccabi Healthcare Services database, tested for FLC during 2007–2023 without previously documented PCD/LPD or increased total protein (TP) level, were reviewed. Demographics, co-morbidities, and laboratory tests were recorded. FLC-R was defined as normal (0.26–1.65) or slightly (slAb 0.1–0.26/1.65–4), moderately (mAbn 0.1–0.05/4–8) and significantly abnormal (sigAb- < 0.05 or > 8). Factors associated with PCD/LPD and overall survival were identified. In total, 8,661 patients, 2,215 (25.6%) with abnormal FLC-R [2,090 (24.1%)-slAb, 65 (0.75%)-mAbn and 60 (0.7%)-sigAb], were analyzed. Almost none had anemia nor acute renal failure. 14% had concomitant increased immunoglobulins. Within a median follow-up of 52 months, 943 were diagnosed with PCD (816-MGUS, 127-MM/Amyloidosis/plasmacytoma) and 48 with LPD. Median time to PCD and LPD were 19 and 28 months. Multivariate analysis found slAb (HR = 1.8, CI95%:1.53–2.12, p < 0.001), mAbn (HR = 6.3, CI95%:4.16–9.53, p < 0.001), and sigAb FLC (HR = 10.4, CI95%:7.0–15.35, p < 0.001), to be associated with PCD/LPD diagnosis. Decreased IgG, increased IgA, and concomitant comorbidities predicted PCD, whereas increased IgM predicted LPD. Older age, male gender, anemia, decreased albumin, increased IgG and concomitant comorbidities, predicted shorter survival. Our large study emphasizes the independent clinical significance of abnormal FLC-R as a predictor of PCD/LPD diagnosis even in patients with normal TP level, promoting early detection of PCD/LPD.

Original languageEnglish
Article number198
JournalClinical and Experimental Medicine
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1 Dec 2024


  • FLC
  • MGUS
  • Multiple Myeloma
  • PCD

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Biochemistry,Genetics and Molecular Biology

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