Author Correction: Engineering a predatory bacterium as a proficient killer agent for intracellular bio-products recovery: The case of the polyhydroxyalkanoates (Scientific Reports, (2016), 6, 1, (24381), 10.1038/srep24381)

Virginia Martínez, Cristina Herencias, Edouard Jurkevitch, M. Auxiliadora Prieto

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debate


This Article contains errors. During follow-up to the work described in this Article the Authors have sequenced the genomes of the strains derived and discovered that all of them (both the wild type and two mutant strains bd2637 and bd3709) derived from the parental predatory strain Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus 109J, and not HD100 as described in the Article. Therefore, HD100 should be replaced with 109J everywhere in the Article apart from the instances outlined below. In the final paragraph of the Introduction, “It has recently been shown that B. bacteriovorus HD100 can prey upon PHA-producers such as Pseudomonas putida KT2440 while the latter accumutales large amounts of mcl-PHA within its cells27.” should read: “It has recently been shown that B. bacteriovorus can prey upon PHA-producers such as Pseudomonas putida KT2440 while the latter accumutales large amounts of mcl-PHA within its cells27.” In the Results, under subheading ‘Expanding the B. bacteriovorus toolbox to other microorganisms’ “Since B. bacteriovorus HD100 attacks a broad range of Gram-negative bacteria1,2, the feasibility of using this lytic tool in other production systems was tested.” should read: “Since B. bacteriovorus attacks a broad range of Gram-negative bacteria1,2, the feasibility of using this lytic tool in other production systems was tested.” In the same section, “A potential extracellular scl-PHA depolymerase coding sequence is found in the genome of B. bacteriovorus HD100 [open reading frame (ORF) Bd2637], adding to its hydrolytic arsenal27,28,34.” should read: “A potential extracellular scl-PHA depolymerase coding sequence is found in the genome of B. bacteriovorus [open reading frame (ORF) Bd2637], adding to its hydrolytic arsenal27,28,34.” Finally, in the Discussion, “The genome sequence of B. bacteriovorus HD10028 suggested that the vast amount of hydrolytic enzymes (biocatalysts) might be suitable for numerous industrial applications27– 29.” should read: “The genome sequence of B. bacteriovorus28 suggested that the vast amount of hydrolytic enzymes (biocatalysts) might be suitable for numerous industrial applications27– 29.” and “Previous studies of B. bacteriovorus HD100 preying upon P. putida showed that PHA degradation confers ecological advantages upon the former in terms of motility and predation efficiency, very likely due to an incrementof the intracellular ATP content, but does not increase the biomass or number of predator cells27.” should read: “Previous studies of B. bacteriovorus preying upon P. putida showed that PHA degradation confers ecological advantages upon the former in terms of motility and predation efficiency, very likely due to an increment of the intracellular ATP content, but does not increase the biomass or number of predator cells27.” The sequencing data confirming the identity of the strains characterised in this Article can be accessed at Short Read Archive with the BioProject number PRJNA723206 (https:// www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/ sra/ PRJNA 723206). These changes do not affect the conclusions of the Article.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2579
JournalScientific Reports
Issue number1
StatePublished - Dec 2022

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

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