Attention control in the peripartum period: a longitudinal study

Tamar Bakun Emesh, Nachshon Meiran, Dar Ran-Peled, Hamutal Ben-Zion, Avel Horwitz, Omer Finkelstein, Liat Tikotzky

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Purpose: Given research inconsistency, this study aimed to assess whether attention control changes from pregnancy to postpartum, focusing on the moderating role of maternal objective and subjective sleep. Our second objective was to evaluate attention control’s role in predicting psychological outcomes in peripartum women. Method: A cohort of 224 pregnant women completed the Antisaccade task, a measure of attention control, during the third trimester and again four months post-delivery. Objective and subjective sleep were measured using actigraphy and sleep diaries. Participants also completed questionnaires assessing depression, anxiety, emotion regulation, and maternal perceptions of the mother-infant relationship. Results: Attention control improved significantly from late pregnancy to postpartum (β = 0.91, p <.001). While objective sleep was not linked to attention control, poorer between-person subjective sleep was associated with better postpartum attention control (β = − 0.84, p <.001). Better within-person subjective sleep was associated with higher attention control during pregnancy (β = 0.87, p <.001), but a negative interaction with time (β = -1.5, p =.001) suggests a reverse trend postpartum. Attention control did not predict postpartum psychological outcomes. Conclusion: Cognitive recovery may occur by four months postpartum, although the observed improvement could reflect practice effect. The novel finding of a negative association between subjective sleep and postpartum attention control may indicate better adaptation to perceived poor sleep or heightened attunement to sleep fluctuations in women with higher attention control. Attention control did not predict psychological outcomes, suggesting other factors may be more critical for maternal coping postpartum.

Original languageAmerican English
JournalArchives of Women's Mental Health
StateAccepted/In press - 1 Jan 2024


  • Antisaccade task
  • Attention control
  • Peripartum period
  • Postpartum cognition
  • Postpartum sleep

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Psychiatry and Mental health
  • Obstetrics and Gynaecology

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