Analysis of the Identifying Regulation With Adversarial Surrogates Algorithm

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Given a time-series zkk=1N of noisy measured outputs along a single trajectory of a dynamical system, the Identifying Regulation with Adversarial Surrogates (IRAS) algorithm aims to find a non-trivial first integral of the system, that is, a scalar function g such that g(zi)≈g(zj), for all i,j. IRAS has been suggested recently and was used successfully in several learning tasks in models from biology and physics. Here, we give the first rigorous analysis of this algorithm in a specific setting. We assume that the observations admit a linear first integral and that they are contaminated by Gaussian noise. We show that in this case the IRAS iterations are closely related to the self-consistent-field (SCF) iterations for solving a generalized Rayleigh quotient minimization problem. Using this approach, we derive several sufficient conditions guaranteeing local convergence of IRAS to the linear first integral.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1
Number of pages1
JournalIEEE Control Systems Letters
StatePublished - 2024


  • Biological system modeling
  • Classification algorithms
  • Heuristic algorithms
  • Mathematical models
  • Noise measurement
  • Rayleigh quotient
  • Trajectory
  • Vectors
  • eigenvalue problems
  • learning algorithms
  • ribosome flow model
  • self-consistent-field iteration

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Control and Optimization
  • Control and Systems Engineering


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