An integrative framework for extending the boundaries of the museum visit experience: linking the pre, during and post visit phases

Tsvi Kuflik, Alan J. Wecker, Joel Lanir, Oliviero Stock

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The Cultural Heritage experience at the museum begins before the actual on-site visit and continues with memories and reflections after the visit. In considering the potential of novel information and communication technology to enhance the entire visit experience, one scenario envisioned is extending the on-site visit boundaries, to help the visitors access information concerning exhibits that are of primary interest to them during pre-visit planning, provide relevant information to the visitors during the visit, and follow up with post visit memories and reflections. All this can be done by using today’s state of the art mobile and web-based applications, as well as any new foreseeable emerging technology. So far, research on applying novel information and communication technology in the cultural heritage domain has focused primarily on exploring specific aspects of the technology and its capability for supporting the individual visitor mainly during the physical, on-site, visit (and in some cases in additional specific phases such as prior or after the visit). This paper suggests a novel, integrative framework for supporting the pre, during and post visit phases in a personalized manner. It is based on a set of standard, common models: a visitor model, a site model and a visit model, all enable a large variety of services to store, update and reuse data during the three phases of the visit. Our contribution is presenting a framework architecture with its underlying infrastructure, and showing in a case study how this framework supports the various visit phases in an actual museum. The suggested framework is generic; it is not limited to a specific setting or scenario and it is open and can be easily adopted and used by practitioners and researchers to be implemented in different sites and settings. As such, it provides a further step in extending the cultural heritage experience beyond the on-site visit and towards linking individual episodes into complete, memorable personal experiences.

Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)17-47
Number of pages31
JournalInformation Technology and Tourism
Issue number1
StatePublished - Mar 2015


  • Mobile guides
  • Mobile guides development framework
  • Visitors guides

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Information Systems
  • Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management
  • Computer Science Applications


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