An epigenetic switch repressing Tet1 in gonadotropes activates the reproductive axis

Yahav Yosefzon, Cfir David, Anna Tsukerman, Lilach Pnueli, Sen Qiao, Ulrich Boehm, Philippa Melamed

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The TET enzymes catalyze conversion of 5-methyl cytosine (5mC) to 5-hydroxymethyl cytosine (5hmC) and play important roles during development. TET1 has been particularly well-studied in pluripotent stem cells, but Tet1-KO mice are viable, and the most marked defect is abnormal ovarian follicle development, resulting in impaired fertility. We hypothesized that TET1 might play a role in the central control of reproduction by regulating expression of the gonadotropin hormones, which are responsible for follicle development and maturation and ovarian function. We find that all three TET enzymes are expressed in gonadotrope-precursor cells, but Tet1 mRNA levels decrease markedly with completion of cell differentiation, corresponding with an increase in expression of the luteinizing hormone gene, Lhb. We demonstrate that poorly differentiated gonadotropes express a TET1 isoform lacking the N-terminal CXXC-domain, which represses Lhb gene expression directly and does not catalyze 5hmC at the gene promoter. We show that this isoform is also expressed in other differentiated tissues, and that it is regulated by an alternative promoter whose activity is repressed by the liganded estrogen and androgen receptors, and by the hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone through activation of PKA. Its expression is also regulated by DNA methylation, including at an upstream enhancer that is protected by TET2, to allow Tet1 expression. The down-regulation of TET1 relieves its repression of the methylated Lhb gene promoter, which is then hydroxymethylated and activated by TET2 for full reproductive competence.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)10131-10136
Number of pages6
JournalProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Issue number38
StatePublished - 19 Sep 2017


  • Enhancer
  • Et2
  • Gonadotrope
  • Luteinizing hormone
  • Tet1

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General


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