An accurate and efficient numerical calculation of detonation waves in multidimensional supernova simulations using a burning limiter and adaptive quasi-statistical equilibrium

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Resolving the small length-scale of thermonuclear detonation waves (TNDWs) in supernovae is currently not possible in multidimensional full-star simulations. Additionally, multidimensional simulations usually use small, over simplistic reaction networks and adopt an ad hoc transition criterion to nuclear statistical equilibrium (NSE). The errors due to the applied approximations are not well understood. We present here a new accurate and efficient numerical scheme that accelerates the calculations by orders of magnitudes and allows the structure of TNDWs to be resolved. The numerical scheme has two important ingredients: (1) a burning limiter that broadens the width of the TNDW while accurately preserving its internal structure, and (2) an adaptive separation of isotopes into groups that are in nuclear statistical quasi-equilibrium, which resolves the time-consuming burning calculation of reactions that are nearly balanced out. Burning is calculated in situ employing the required large networks without the use of post-processing or pre-describing the conditions behind the TNDW. In particular, the approach to and deviation from NSE are calculated self-consistently. The scheme can be easily implemented in multidimensional codes. We test our scheme against accurate solutions of the structure of TNDWs and against homogeneous expansion from NSE. We show that with resolutions that are typical for multidimensional full-star simulations, we reproduce the accurate thermodynamic trajectory (density, temperature, etc.) to an accuracy that is better than a per cent for the resolved scales (where the burning limiter is not applied), while keeping the error for unresolved scales (broadened by the burning limiter) within a few per cent.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)5413-5433
Number of pages21
Issue number4
Early online date28 Feb 2020
StatePublished - Apr 2020

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Astronomy and Astrophysics
  • Space and Planetary Science


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