Amorphous topological insulators constructed from random point sets

Noah P. Mitchell, Lisa M. Nash, Daniel Hexner, Ari-mark Turner, William T.M. Irvine

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The discovery that the band structure of electronic insulators may be topologically non-trivial has revealed distinct phases of electronic matter with novel properties 1,2 . Recently, mechanical lattices have been found to have similarly rich structure in their phononic excitations 3,4, giving rise to protected unidirectional edge modes 5-7 . In all of these cases, however, as well as in other topological metamaterials 3,8, the underlying structure was finely tuned, be it through periodicity, quasi-periodicity or isostaticity. Here we show that amorphous Chern insulators can be readily constructed from arbitrary underlying structures, including hyperuniform, jammed, quasi-crystalline and uniformly random point sets. While our findings apply to mechanical and electronic systems alike, we focus on networks of interacting gyroscopes as a model system. Local decorations control the topology of the vibrational spectrum, endowing amorphous structures with protected edge modes - with a chirality of choice. Using a real-space generalization of the Chern number, we investigate the topology of our structures numerically, analytically and experimentally. The robustness of our approach enables the topological design and self-assembly of non-crystalline topological metamaterials on the micro and macro scale.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)380-385
Number of pages6
JournalNature Physics
Issue number4
StatePublished - 15 Jan 2018

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Physics and Astronomy


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