Abstract P150: Weight-Loss Diets and 2-Year Change of Circulating Amino Acids in Two Randomized Intervention Trials

Yan Zheng, Uta Ceglarek, Tao Huang, Lerong Li, Jennifer Rood, Donna Ryan, George Bray, Frank Sacks, Dan Schwarzfuchs, Joachim Thiery, Iris Shai, Lu Qi

Research output: Contribution to journalMeeting Abstract


Background: Emerging evidence has related circulating amino acids to diabetes and cardiovascular risk. Little is known about how diet modifications affect circulating amino acids. The present study aimed to examine the effects of weight-loss diets on long-term changes in plasma amino acids, and their relations with weight loss and metabolic outcomes. Methods and Results: We repeatedly measured plasma amino acid profiles over 2 years among overweight or obese participants from two randomized dietary interventional weight-loss trials: 774 from the Preventing Overweight Using Novel Dietary Strategies trial (POUNDS LOST) and 318 from Dietary Intervention Randomized Controlled Trial (DIRECT). The plasma levels of most amino acids decreased from baseline during follow-up in both trials. In the POUNDS LOST trial, compared to the high-protein diets, the average-protein weight-loss diets showed a greater effect on decreasing plasma levels of a diabetes-associated branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) valine and another amino acid methyl-histidine at 6 months, independent of weight change (p
Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - 4 Mar 2015


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