A Recombitant Flavin-Adenine Dinucleotide Glucose Dehydrogenase and Uses Thereof

Lital Alfonta (Inventor), Raz Zarivach (Inventor), Jennifer Grushka (Inventor), Itay Algov (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


A recombinant protein, including: (a) alpha subunit of an FAD-GDH; and (b) a minimal cytochrome c peptide is provided. Additionally, an electrode coupled to a recombinant protein, the recombinant protein made of: (a) a cofactor of a redox enzyme; (b) a redox enzyme; (c) a linker moiety configured to link any one of: the cofactor or the enzyme to an electron transfer (ET) domain; and (d) an ET domain, is also provided. Methods for: (a) transferring an electron to an electrode, by coupling the recombinant protein an electrode; and (b) quantifying the amount of an analyte e.g., glucose are also provided.

Original languageAmerican English
Patent numberUS2020165579
IPCG01N 27/ 327 A I
Priority date2/08/18
StatePublished - 28 May 2020


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