A physically motivated class of scattering passive linear systems

Olof J. Staffans, George Weiss

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We introduce a class of scattering passive linear systems motivated by examples from mathematical physics. The state space of the system is X = H φ E, where H and E are Hilbert spaces. We also have a Hilbert space E 0 which is dense in E, with continuous embedding, and E' 0 is the dual of E 0 with respect to the pivot space E. The input space is the same as the output space, and it is denoted by U. The semigroup generator has the structure A = [ 0L*G-1/2 -LK*K] where L ε L(E 0,H) and K ε L(E 0,U) are such that [L/K], with domain E 0, is closed as an unbounded operator from E to H φ U. The operator G ε L(E 0, E' 0) is such that Re(Gω 00) ≤ 0 for all ω 0 ε E 0. The observation operator is C = [0 -K], the control operator is B = -C *, and the output equation is y = Cx + u = -Kw + u, where u is the input function, x = [zω] is the state trajectory, and y is the corresponding output function. We show that this system is scattering passive (hence, well-posed) and that classical solutions of the system equation x = Ax + Bu satisfy d /dt ||x(t)|| 2 = ||u(t)|| 2 - ||y(t)|| 2 + 2Re (Gω,ω). Moreover, the dual system satisfies a similar power balance equation. Hence, this system is scattering conservative if and only if Re(Gω 0, ω 0) = 0 for all ω 0 ε E 0. We give two examples involving the beam equation and one with Maxwell's equations.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3083-3112
Number of pages30
JournalSIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
Issue number5
StatePublished - 2012


  • Beam equation
  • Cayley transform
  • Maxwell's equations
  • Scattering conservative system
  • Scattering passive system
  • System node

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Control and Optimization
  • Applied Mathematics


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