A method for passive metal activation and uses thereof

Yair Y·艾茵艾莉 (Inventor), Danny D·格尔曼 (Inventor), B·莎拉特斯福 (Inventor), Alexander A·克瑞斯博格 (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


The invention provides a method for passive metal activation and uses thereof. Disclosed is a method for activating a surface of metals, such as self- passivated metals, and of metal-oxide dissolution, effected using a fluoroanion- containing composition. Also disclosed is an electrochemical cell utilizing an aluminum-containing anode material and a fluoroanion-containing electrolyte, characterized by high efficiency, low corrosion, and optionally mechanical or electrochemical rechargeability. Also disclosed is a process for fusing (welding, soldering etc.) a self-passivated metal at relatively low temperature and ambient atmosphere, and a method for electrodepositing a metal on a self-passivated metal using metal-oxide source.

Original languageAmerican English
Patent numberCN109524617
IPCH01M 12/ 08 A I
Priority date31/03/15
StatePublished - 26 Mar 2019


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