A Large Deviations Approach to Secure Lossy Compression

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A Shannon cipher system for memoryless sources in which distortion is allowed at the legitimate decoder is considered. The source is compressed using a secured rate distortion code, which satisfies a constraint on the compression rate, as well as a constraint on the exponential rate of the excess-distortion probability at the legitimate decoder. Secrecy is measured by the exponential rate of the exiguous-distortion probability at the eavesdropper, rather than by the traditional measure of equivocation. The perfect-secrecy exponent is defined as the maximal exiguous-distortion exponent achievable when the key rate is unlimited. The reproduction-based estimate exponent is defined as the maximal exiguous-distortion exponent achievable for a genie-aided eavesdropper, which knows the secret key. Under limited key rate, it is proved that the maximal achievable exiguous-distortion exponent is equal to the minimum between the key rate plus the reproduction-based estimate exponent, and the perfect-secrecy exponent. The result is generalized to a fairly general class of variable key-rate and coding-rate codes.

Original languageEnglish
Article number7805336
Pages (from-to)2533-2559
Number of pages27
JournalIEEE Transactions on Information Theory
Issue number4
StatePublished - Apr 2017


  • Covering lemmas
  • Shannon cipher system
  • cryptography
  • error exponent
  • information-theoretic secrecy
  • large-deviations
  • lossy compression
  • rate-distortion theory
  • secret key
  • variable-rate codes

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Information Systems
  • Computer Science Applications
  • Library and Information Sciences


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