אשם יוצר אחריות ואשם תורם: תאוריה ופסיקה

Translated title of the contribution: Liability creating fault and contributory fault: theory and doctrine

אהוד גוטל, יובל פרוקצ'יה, גליה שניבוים

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


In a number of recent decisions, the Israeli Supreme Court has considered the application of the negligence standard for injurers(“liability-creating fault”) and for victims (“contributory fault”). In view of these decisions, this Essay addresses two issues, which despite their importance, have not yet received significant attention. The first pertains to two-sided accidents – cases in which each party is both an injurer and a victim. We argue that the Court’s approach to the relationship between the two forms of negligence raises a number of difficulties and is in contention with traditional tort principles. The second issue pertains to cases in which the parties act sequentially – a negligent injurer initially creates an undue risk and then the victim fails to take precautions that could counter that risk. The case law reveals two competing approaches toward victims’ liability in such circumstances. We contend that the desirable approach is non-uniform, and we analyze its underlying principles.
Translated title of the contributionLiability creating fault and contributory fault: theory and doctrine
Original languageHebrew
Pages (from-to)27-53
Number of pages27
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2022

IHP publications

  • ihp
  • Damages
  • Guilt
  • Israel -- Bet ha-mishpat ha-elyon
  • Judgments
  • Liability (Law)
  • Negligence
  • Traffic accident victims
  • Traffic accidents
  • אחריות בנזיקין
  • אשמה
  • אשמה תורמת (משפט)
  • בית המשפט העליון
  • דיני נזיקין
  • נפגעי תאונות דרכים
  • פסיקה (משפט)
  • רשלנות
  • תאונות דרכים


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