6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organizational affiliations of Rajner Miriam with the persons below:
Dorot Ruth
- Ariel University, School of Architecture - Senior Lecturer / Assistant Professor
Person: Academic
Presiado Mor
- Bar-Ilan University, Department of Jewish Art - Senior Lecturer
- Bar-Ilan University, The Arnold and Leona Finkler Institute of Holocaust Research
Person: other, Academic
Seroussi Edwin
- The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Department of Musicology - Full Professor
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Person: Academic
Weiss Zeev
- The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Institute of Archaeology - Full Professor
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Person: Academic
Rodov Ilia
- Bar-Ilan University, Department of Jewish Art - Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Jewish Art
- Bar-Ilan University, Gershon and Judith Leiber Center for Jewish Art Exhibitions
Person: Researcher, Academic
Wolf-Monzon Tamar
- Bar-Ilan University, Department of the Literature of the Jewish People - Full Professor
Person: Academic