Leshem Amir
- Bar-Ilan University, Bar-Ilan University - The Alexander Kofkin Faculty of Engineering - Full Professor
- The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Racah Institute of Physics - Research Associate
- Bar-Ilan University, DSI - Data Science Institute
- Bar-Ilan University, The Network Science Impact Center
- Bar-Ilan University, Signal Processing
Bar-Ilan University, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Person: Researcher, Academic
Somekh Baruch Anelia
- Bar-Ilan University, Bar-Ilan University - The Alexander Kofkin Faculty of Engineering - Associate Professor
- Bar-Ilan University, Signal Processing
Person: Researcher, Academic
Cohen Yakov Shay-El
- Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Associate Professor
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Person: Academic
Weinberger Nir
- Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Electrical and Computer Engineering - Assistant Professor
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Person: Academic
Ozana Nisan
- Bar-Ilan University, Bar-Ilan University - The Alexander Kofkin Faculty of Engineering - Senior Lecturer
- Bar-Ilan University, Neuro-Engineering & Bio-Engineering
Person: Researcher, Academic